Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Christmas is over, and Kim is getting fat!

Well that's the Christmas festivities over and done with. The turkey (8.6kg for 3 people) is half gone and the tree is dropping pine needles like there's no tomorrow (so much for rooted?).
Not quite a white Christmas, although it is now looking rather festive outside!!

Anyway, just the drunken New Year parties to cope with and then fully back to the grind.
The problem I am having is eating to relieve the boredom and frustration but I never get my fat bum out of the seat (well only to reach the fridge!)
Anyway my New Years resolution is to either quit college and get a job, quit eating or start smoking!
I've made a start on the Masterplan document, but am just trawling through stuff that's been done before. Have sent an enquiring email to Mr Liversedge, and while I await a response, I am going to crack on with my proposals...blah, blah, backed up of course by quick thumbnail sketches.
Right, no time to blog, I've got work to do.


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