Thursday, August 10, 2006

Some grassy plants

Went shopping at Coblands a little while ago. Met up with Richard who very kindly showed me around and I was totally seduced by the grasses. They were stunning on mass. I managed to fit as many as I could into my car, with roof up as its terribly turbulent on the back seat, and I would have had to have driven back from Tonbridge at about 15mph!
Anyway I've managed to get them all planted and they look fab!

Stipa gigantea, is so airy and transparent. Excellent to look through, so a good front to middle of the border plant.

Deschampsia cespitosa 'Goldtau' forms a great, dense backdrop, framing my new Cercis canadensis perfectly.

Calamagrotis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' is really linear and its seed heads have seasonal changes.

This one had seeded itself in a pot, but is actually an annual called Hordeum jubatum, and I got it for free (but will save some seeds for Richard!!)


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