Friday, August 18, 2006

Art exhibition at Michelham Priory

Following my recent visit to Michelham Priory, I thought I would enter the art exhibition, which starts on the 29th August in the Great Barn. The theme is the Priory and its grounds, so I knocked out a couple of watercolours.

However, on finding out more information you have to pay to register, and then your paintings go up for sale. But with the cost of mounting and framing I felt that my meagre efforts were not worth enough in value to make the whole exercise worthwhile.

So instead, for it not to be a total waste of time, I am posting my own private exhibition!

I think I'll go to the exhibition, to see what the standard is like, and then maybe next year?


Blogger Annie said...

Hi there! Very pleased to see this 'exhibition' - I'm so glad you did them, and I think they look jolly good. It will be interesting, though, to check out the standard, as you say. Bet the others won't be as good as yours though!

11:36 AM  

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