Friday, April 28, 2006

It's been a hard day's night.....

And what have I produced? Not a great deal and the clock seems to be ticking twice as fast.
I have just about finished the setting out plan, which I defy anyone to understand. Doing more sections. Lighting plan has encountered a technical printing hitch - beautiful at A4, but not overly useful at that size unless a magnifying glass is provided (hhhmmmmm!).
Revisiting some of the sketches and planting plan.
Three weeks today we pin up for the final crit. At this rate I am not sure I'll have anything complete to pin-up. At least it will be brief!!

Friday, April 21, 2006

One lot down, still lots to do

I've just finished the photomotages. Great fun messing around with images but so time consuming. Plus I think, like Richard, I might need glasses, seeing as how I have been doing my Mrs McGoo impressions; nose pressed up against the screen for the last day and a half.

Never mind, for once I am actually pleased with the results.
Now for the sketches.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Been looking at other peoples blogs and I am now starting to panic. Everyone seems to be well on with their sketches and photomontages.
I've just finished my first photomontage. Several more to go!!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Back to work

Hello one and all. Just back today from visiting my family over the Easter weekend. Hope everyone has had a good one. mine was very enjoyable.
Its great doing five hour car journeys because you can polish of a law assignment and then you are home. Amazing!
Now its just everything else we have to produce for Monday left to do.
I did take lots of things to do with me, but I was forced to sit through the 1000+ photos my sister had taken on her RTW. Still she did take some anorak ones just for me, though.
Anyway, batteries recharged, onwards and upwards lots of hard work and then it will all be over in a few weeks.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Missing coments

It appears that my comments had temporarily popped off (probably on their holidays - lucky them!!) Anyway should be back now (not that anyone usually bothers!)

Model made

Finished redoing bits and bobs on my detail model today, enlarging the tree size and adding in more detail. I've just taken some photos, which is no mean feat as there is not a great deal of room in which to maneuver.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Sketches & photomontage efforts

Being doing some more sketches and had an attempt using photoshop to do some montages.

I think the sky is particularly appropriate for Hadlow!! Albeit a bit too blue?

I think alot more practice is required!

Oh, and people!!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Sketch Up v ify sketches

I know most of my fellow sufferers already have the sketch up package. I was looking at the demo on-line yesterday and it looks really great. You can get a free download but only for 8 hours. I only wonder if 8 hours is long enough to produce anything? I question as to whether my sketches are up to the required standard? My site contains mostly veg rather than buildings, so I am not sure how useful this package would be, as it seems to work better with geometric shapes!! I don't knowwhether I could convert any of these? Watch this space!

Monday, April 03, 2006

What a work load!

I am trying to finish off all of the unfinished bits from the previous term, starting with the Site survey, the strategy overlays, etc and I realize just how much there is to do! I find myself constantly multi-tasking and achieving absolutely nothing. I am left with lots of half done sheets. Now its time to kick ass and actually produce stuff. Definitely a case of SUMO!

I just hope my overloaded braincell can cope!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Bonjour mon amies!

Bonjour! I am back from my mini break to Paris, which despite travelling on the day of demonstrations was a brilliant trip. My first time on Eurostar which was totally swish and I would certainly recommend it - much better than flying, as there is no check-in of luggage, arrive half an hour before departure, and you are in the centre of Paris in an hour and a half! Wonderful!
We walked our socks off and did as many parks as possible. Me being a modern anaorak managed to snap 135 photographs of vegetation and materials!! I think one of the photos was of my other half, seing as how it was his birthday on Thursday!!
Thought I would post a couple of images:

Different use of mixed paving with inset lighting.

This is the sports stadium at Bercy. The sheer walls are grassed. I wondered how they would cut them, then out popped the flymos on a long length of rope, with les hommes pulling them up and down the slope. Talk about labour intensive (I don't think I woud get away with that at Hadlow??)

Parc de Bercy was definitely my favourite. I was amazed at how many similarities there are with my detail area! Like they say - 'nothing is original' (Handy for precedents though!!)