Saturday, April 01, 2006

Bonjour mon amies!

Bonjour! I am back from my mini break to Paris, which despite travelling on the day of demonstrations was a brilliant trip. My first time on Eurostar which was totally swish and I would certainly recommend it - much better than flying, as there is no check-in of luggage, arrive half an hour before departure, and you are in the centre of Paris in an hour and a half! Wonderful!
We walked our socks off and did as many parks as possible. Me being a modern anaorak managed to snap 135 photographs of vegetation and materials!! I think one of the photos was of my other half, seing as how it was his birthday on Thursday!!
Thought I would post a couple of images:

Different use of mixed paving with inset lighting.

This is the sports stadium at Bercy. The sheer walls are grassed. I wondered how they would cut them, then out popped the flymos on a long length of rope, with les hommes pulling them up and down the slope. Talk about labour intensive (I don't think I woud get away with that at Hadlow??)

Parc de Bercy was definitely my favourite. I was amazed at how many similarities there are with my detail area! Like they say - 'nothing is original' (Handy for precedents though!!)


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