Sunday, January 29, 2006

Detail design

The detail area currently looks like this.

Its mostly planting at the moment - which I'm sure will change drastically over the next twelve weeks?!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

My detail area

Moving on from Monday, where I think there was alot of good work pinned up on the walls (so well done everyone), my detail design area is as below. It currently consists of the central plaza, Broad View gardens, student show gardens, wetlands and birch woodland.

The sections were too big to post as one, so there's three. Fortunatley greaseproof paper is on a long roll!

No time for illness!

What do you tell your ill ten year old? 'Sorry dear, here's a bucket to throw up in, just don't disturb me, because I have college work to do'. 'Oh and try not to miss, I haven't got the time to clear up the mess!'
How can normal life be suspended for a poxy college course. I think my husband has forgotten he is married (it's the pixies that leave him his meal), and a child who would rather be fostered into a home where people can actually have discussions that have nothing to do with bloody Hadlow and plants and car park spacings.
I can't believe this is a part time course. It's not just us that have to live, sleep and breathe it, its everyone else around us!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Final masterplan for January 20th 2006

Just been and got my latest, and last for today, masterplan scanned. Trouble is its a three hour round trip. So now I must crack on with the document.

Monday, January 16, 2006

The final crit

Well that's it - all of the constructive critism, now its the final push for hand in on Monday! Had a minor bit of feedback from Andrew. Felt like the day was a bit of a waste - along time for very little!
I'm hoping that no comment on sections mean that they are ok!?? Well I'm not redoing them, because there are five million other things to do!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

It's Sunday again!

I can't believe where the time has gone! All I have done ALL week is masterplanning, and I'm still no where near to finishing.
I did two sections yesterday, got them copied (B/W) and sat and coloured in last night.
Today I am frantically updating the document with all of the new changes. Got to annotate the sections and plan, update my sketch book, blog, breathe!
H E L P !

Friday, January 13, 2006

Who need sleep anyway?

I know it seems that I haven't blogged for ages, and then suddenly there's millions of them!
Well I have started several, but have saved them to draft, as there were no pictures, or it just sounded totally lame, or basically I didn't have time to post - my computer has a handle that you need to turn to make it work??!
Anyway today (and not having anything to do with Jamie's chase up on the blog thing email, as I would be drastically updating my sketch book!!! if that was the case) I thougt I would get rid of half a dozen drafts and move on.
So what have I been up to? As if there could be anything else in my life other than HADLOW MASTER PLAN! Yes I used to be happily married with one child.
Anyway I have been burning the midnight oil these past few nights trying to get it resolved, and to day I feel at peace with the world. I have finally done an A1, and now its time to re-justify the alterations - yes, you've guessed it - 'War and Peace, Volume II'.
So watch out bloggers, I might post it. (Could be a cure for insomnia).

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Progress to date

Every time I look out of the window, which is often (searching for inspiration) I keep seeing this bullfinch.

He's obviously enjoying the seeds from the Verbena bonariensis.

At least one of us is enjoying something!

Oh my God - I'm turning into a twitcher?!

I'm certainly twitchy!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Moving on from yesterday

Had my first Masterplan crit yesterday, and they didn't tear it up, so that must be fairly positive.
Still lots of issues to resolve though, which I am trying to do now:-
make more of the entrances,
navigate the site as a visitor, a student and a bus driver
keep the festival site flexible
show more context on the plan
relationship with main features/spaces.
So in answer to the above

I decided to colour this one in!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Masterplan - the first showing!

Don't know where the holidays have gone. Today we are back at Uni and our draft masterplans will be under scrutiny!
I have done the A1 plan and four sections but only as line drawings, as I feel there may be changes ahead.

I thought I would try and break the back of the accompanying A3 document, which justifies the whole thing. It currently stands at 44 pages long - I think I am going to surpass 'War and Peace'!!