Sunday, March 26, 2006


Its been a busy old week. Two extra days at Uni doing the law module we should have done last year. But it was really interesting! It appears that the House of Lords can overturn the ruling on whatever they like depending on how they are feeling that day - a case of guess the verdict!! But great fun reviewing a whole load of cases.
Anyway since then it has spurred me into doing the flyer for Professional Studies - a leaflet where I entice the client to pick me!
I'm not currently happy with the art work, so I won't blog any images yet. I'm hoping that a couple of days in Paris will aid my inspiration. If not, I'm sure the wine will!!! Au revoir!

Let's hope the pets aren't in party mode, while we are away!??!!!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

The epic continues

Been working on this detail design all week (for a change). Had some changes which meant redrawing it again (although not quite as many times as Dan!) Of course this has a knock on effect to the model and planting plan which too have to be totally redone!!
Hey ho. Anyway the current fruits of my labour:

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Latest and final design

After another couple of drawings this is the version that is off to the printers, then to be coloured!

I'm really hoping that colour will improve it!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Help - more reworking on the detail area

Please help anyone! I have reworked the landform to define four separate garden areas. I think it looks better, but I'd really value anyone elses opinion.

The hill extends over the main path and borders the board walk next to the swimming pond. The trees go over the hills, and define garden 3.
Hope its readable. Double click the image, to enlarge it!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Model making

Thought as I keep tweaking my detail design every week, which means totally redrawing it each time, I would make a model to work out the fundamentals and sort this area out once and for all!
The aerial view shows the mass and voids. Still bits to be added and of course to be sprayed white!

I managed to return all of the model making things I had bought for last weeks workshop - them being every other colour than white!!

I've redrawn the plan too. The main pathways were a bit mean, and the boardwalk has been made into a more abstract shape.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Less is more!

Just shown the latest 'draft' yesterday at college and hoped it would be the last, (but unfortunately not!). I was trying to make it more exciting but appear to have added too much!
The zig-zag on the LHS was newly added - wires wrapped around tree trunks (based on the above image) and hop poles at varying heights to produce a flimsy, airy sort of pergola, to look something like the attempted sketch!). Anyway as it was not greatly received, hey presto!.....
It's disappeared!
I'm off to make a model, so I expect there will be many more changes ahead.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Garden History for the rest

Well whoop, at last I've finished the epic 15k+ word illustrated notebook and its time to return my full attention back to the detail design.
Saw Annies dainty front cover, so I thought I would post my rather butch one!!