Sunday, November 06, 2005

Duality exercise
This is the model I made on Monday, 31st Oct, based on interlocking, space and perspective. (Looks a bit witchy to me - how apt!) Anyway it's not quite the same as when it left the uninspiring studio - a little bit of tweaking following a drop of dutch-courage in the form of red wine.

The final result!

After looking at it in all kinds of light, and especially on my new patio (travertine limestone) I came up with three key qualities: undulating, jagged and enclosure.

From this came the rest:

Wonderful, eh? But an absolute pig to get any form of perspectives. My 10 year old could have done better, or even Claire's dog!! (private joke!)

Anyway after spending 6 days (yes DAYS not hours) I finally produced an A1 board which, like me, am not sure will withstand the procedings of tomorrow. (Now is the time to properly take up religion!)


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